Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Make Funfetti Rice Crispy Treats

Last Call

You have until December 31, 2010 to send the form to pre , if you are interested send the form or email or via fax to 055/8496291 enclosing a copy of a document of recognition the January 12, 2011 shall be the articles of notarial

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Real Estate Leads Management On Excel

Seeing is a creative act

When I arrived, after the steep climb to the top where the path starts in the chapels of Sacro Monte di Varallo, I felt a strange feeling in my heart, of calm and peace, as not heard in a long time. I realized right away that the place was where I was almost out of the world, isolated from everything that is outside, but also simultaneously in the world because it is, is part of it, and because when you get this piece of reality, you come with your entire self, bringing with him (and in) everything is outside.

I find a comparison with the words of Eliot in Choruses from the Rock, says:

" Then came, in a predetermined time, a mo-ment time and time

A moment not out of time, but over time, what we call history: section,

bisecting the world of time, a moment in time but not as a moment of time,

A moment in time but time was made through that moment: for without the meaning there is no time, and that moment of time gave the meaning. "

So even the holy mountain is so, as Eliot says. Perhaps because it speaks of the Sacred Mountain is just this moment.

The only thing certain is that the Holy Mountain was created by that time and was made for man, perhaps because of the need that in my heart.

Before it I thought the Sacro Monte knew a bit 'old, was something old, since Gaudenzio Ferrari did five hundred years ago in response to the desire of those people, even including them in his work.

Who could imagine that if I felt the Holy Mountain so close to me?

When every day I always need something stronger and I feel closer to the edge of an abyss, by which time the world has changed rispetto a cinquecento anni fa,

La Chiesa ripudiata, la torre abbattuta, le campane capo­volte, cosa possiamo fare

Se non restare con le mani vuote e le palme aperte rivolte verso l’alto

In un’età che avanza all’indietro, progressivamente?” (Eliot, Cori da La Rocca)

Ma anche io, anche l’uomo è cambiato rispetto alle people who lived around Gaudenzio?

My desire is the same as theirs?

When I'm finally in front of the chapel, after waiting for this moment and trying to imagine how they were made and the reaction I'd get in front of them, that's the unthinkable happens.

Gaudenzio, when he made the caps, he thought of me, I'm sure.

He has done for me.

Look, I finally feel I belong to that great story of Man, which I have always wanted to belong.

I am there with them and with him, hear me declaim in the courts, when they turn break the darkness with the light of my flashlight, focusing on Christ, the center of history.

I am moved at different times of the journey, the ascent to Calvary, where the crowd is too much, he falls and cover it, and it's hard glimpse among the people. When is there on the Cross, the broken body and suffering, and I am there with him. Then the deposition, and his body, white and delicate as porcelain, the skin is no longer marked, as if it was already risen, it is removed gently from the cross, in an act of pure affection and prayer.

And perhaps the most beautiful thing, when I was there, was when I drew Jesus in the courts, when I realized that the grates that close the chapels are not an impediment but an integral part of the work, which forces you to catapult into the scene.

When I took my watercolors out of the bag, I quickly found the location ideal for work: I was kneeling on the step attached to the grate, and my face perfectly coincided with the opening in it.

's why holes in the grate, to see inside, they are so low.

am here kneeling at the back of Jesus, tried by Caiaphas, and design, to hold this time, to make my world to become: this attimo è stato, forse, la preghiera più bella e vera che io abbia mai detto.

Mi commuovo di fronte a questo dono che Dio mi ha fatto attraverso le mani di Gaudenzio, che, ormai, è un mio caro amico, perché abbiamo qualcosa in comune, lo stesso desiderio e lo stesso bisogno di diventare testimoni della vita di Cristo.

Ora posso veramente dirvelo: io ho incontrato Cristo.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reviews Health Oasis Resort Samui

of thought on the screen, Bertolucci closes

LONDON - The last date "on the screen of thought" will be held Thursday, December 2 at 17:00, again at the Centre culturel français de Milan.

The show, organized by ScenAperta and supported by the Province of Milan, after the screenings of the films of Truffaut, Avildsen, Godard and Emilie Deleuze, will end giovedì con "Il conformista" di Bernardo Bertolucci al termine del quale ci sarà l'intervento del Professor Mauro Carbone.

:: :: ::

giov 2 dicembre h 17.00
Il conformista (1970)
di Bernardo Bertolucci
con Jean-Louis Trintignant, Stefania Sandrelli, Dominique Sanda
a seguire, 15 minuti con Mauro Carbone

Tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Alberto Moravia, Il Conformista è un ritratto psicanalitico del fascismo e un’indagine psicologica sul bisogno di conformismo che ha travolto molti italiani
in quel periodo.

I film sono in versione originale sottotitolata in italiano.
Ingresso 4 euro – 2 euro per studenti, soci del Centre e abbonati di ScenAperta

:: :: ::

Centre culturel français de Milan
ScenAperta Altomilanese Teatri

con il sostegno di
Provincia di Milano – Assessorato alla Cultura

e con la collaborazione di
Mimesis France – Maison d'édition


Sullo schermo del pensiero

dal 26 ottobre al 2 dicembre
espace cinéma del Centre culturel français de Milan
corso Magenta 63 – Milano

Info: –
Tel. 380.3524400

Un progetto di:
Journalist, playwright and director, writes on the cultural pages of Il Sole 24 Ore.
E 'artistic director of the provincial theater circuit ScenAperta. Its theatrical release and its texts were represented in the major Italian theaters. He edited the first complete Italian version of The Trojan Women by Jean-Paul Sartre (Mimesis, 2005), the new version of Dirty Hands, Sartre always (Mimesis, 2010), and the edition of the Dictionary of Italian censorship in the cinema of Jean-Luc Douin (Mimesis, 2010).
E 'professor of drama at NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano.

Mauro Carbone
E 'Professor of Aesthetics at the Université “Jean-Moulin”-Lyon 3, primo filosofo
italiano ad essere direttamente nominato professore in Francia.
Specialista di filosofia francese contemporanea, ne sviluppa l’ispirazione in un’autonoma elaborazione teorica.
Dirige la rivista Chiasmi International
(Pubblicazione trilingue intorno al pensiero di Merleau-Ponty) e la collana L’occhio e lo spirito per l’editore Mimesis.

Claudio Rozzoni
Ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in “Estetica e teoria delle arti” presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Dal 2006 collabora con la cattedra di Estetica contemporanea dell’Università degli Studi di Milano,
presso la quale graduated. Among his recent publications: Remember
is created. The essence of the aesthetic of Marcel Proust's Recherche (Mimesis, 2008)
the young Proust and Signs. For a philosophical portrait of the future author of the Recherche (AlboVersorio, 2009).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Power Ranger Trini Died

Roserpina third game.

Here you updates on yesterday. Played 3 games and took all three continues with the fourth meeting today at 17.00 Afternoon League Romania.

Hand Cream With Paraffin

change has come.

After many many trials I realized that the wrong way to bet now change the level is raised to a professional start slowly so as to make money and not lose money. The method is called Roserpina variable. The most avid gamblers know what I mean. It 's a simple file Exell where you set your budget we want to take any share capital and number of events that we need to take that percentage. What is the first place there played as the settings I put bugjet € 100 30% gain in 100 events so I can look good for the whole system is correct in the race if the percentage increase will increase the exposure of lots to be taken. The first game of the championship is played turkish 1X share 1.32 0.94 €. This is called

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Kind Of Camera Did Bella Have In New Moon

" Macca ", Corrado D'Elia Law

CHIAVENNA - New Appointment Thursday, November 18, at 21, in the auditorium of the Society of Democratic Workers Chiavenna, where it will read "Macca", by Allan Williams.
The evening, organized by the pace of the city, the first jazz circuit in Lombardy, under "Project Beatles, 40 years since the group disbanded and 30 years after the death of John Lennon, provides for a staged reading of Conrad D'Elia, with the drama of Paul Bignamini (artistic director of the circuit ScenAperta), and curated by Emilio Sioli. Music by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
The event is organized by the organization and the contributions of: Regione Lombardia, Fondazione Cariplo, Association of Arts and Corti, ScenAperta Altomilanese Theatre, Society of Democratic Workers Chiavenna, Ambria Jazz. Advance sales at the store "Music" as a Dolzino Chiavenna.

18/11/2010 - 21:00:00
Hall Theatre Company of Democratic Workers of Chiavenna
Via Chiarelli, 7 - Chiavenna (SO)

Corrado D 'Elia
Musica per un Beatle, solo

di Allan Williams

Lettura scenica con Corrado D'Elia

Drammaturgia Paolo Bignamini

A cura di Emilio Sioli

Musiche di John Lennon e Paul McCartney

Monday, November 15, 2010

Side Effects Of Candida Cleanse

the Beatles on the screen of thought, comes Godard

MILANO - Terzo appuntamento al Centre culturel français de Milano con "Sullo schermo del pensiero", la rassegna di cinema e filosofia diretta da Paolo Bignamini, Mauro Carbone e Claudio Rozzoni e organizzata da ScenAperta Altomilanese Teatri con il sostegno della Provincia di Milano. Martedì 16 novembre alle 18 si proietta "Due o tre cose che so di lei", film che può essere considerato una summa dell’opera godardiana.
the backdrop of a beautiful and tragic Paris, Juliette's life, between his job as mother and wife and prostitution. After that, 15 minutes with Simone Frangi
In 1907, the French philosopher Henri Bergson said that cinema was "a mere illusion of movement." Since then, the French philosophy - Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Lyotard, Deleuze, then at
out of the same national borders - has been trying to find reasons to overturn this view, the film gradually recognizing the truth on its merits and the expression of thought spreads.

Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (1966)
Jean-Luc Godard
with Marina Vlady, Anny Duperey

projection in the original language with Italian subtitles.
Entrance 4 €, 2 € for members of the Centre, and students of ScenAperta.

Treatment For Meralgia Paresthetica Yoga

sold out debut ScenAperta

NERVIANO - There could be more spectacle "guessed" for the opening of the winter season of Scenaperta, the exhibition of theatrical dell'Altomilanese pole. The work, irreverent, showcased men who play women in Elizabethan style, including complicity and rivalry. "The proposals in our area are contained in the circuit Scenaperta quality" debuted Henry Cozzi, Mayor of Nerviano. "We want to work near the scene of high level and be less milanocentrici: continued. Lo spettacolo The company Leart 'has managed to involve the large public come despite the rain and coinciding with the Milan soccer derby between AC Milan and Inter . The seven artists, led by Ruggero Dondi, in the role of Juliet in an ironic tutu, and directed by Leo Moss, arrived at the heart of the audience. Among gags and revised interpretation di personaggi shakespeariani, Romeo e Giulietta viene sezionato, tra scena e fuori-scena esilaranti, il tutto condito dalla musica che diventa protagonista. "Quando dieci anni fa mi fu presentato il progetto, fui entusiasta - racconta Dondi -; poi le prime repliche, gli affinamenti ed oggi è diventato un giocattolo ben oliato, con i miei compagni di strada Salvatore Landolina, Dario Buccino, Giordano Mancioppi, Ernesto Mahieux. Il pubblico di Nerviano ha risposto bene alle nostre battute tra teatro dell'arte e rigore". Salvatore Landolina, conosciuto anche sul grande schermo, è stato l'elemento catalizzante con le sue battute in napoletano stretto, che Muscato ha controllato sapientemente e ha sottolineato al momento giusto.

Enzo Mari

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Half Weave


Artelier Mécano a MARAVEEDOMUS dal 13 novembre al 12 dicembre 2010!

Best Cruise For 30 Somethings

Bignamini (ScenAperta): theater unparalleled

Italian theater is not doing well, no point in pretending. The real risk for thousands of years this art is to be relegated to the margins , in the niche of a language hours harmless, even quaint hours. And often, unfortunately, having to deal with the difficult economic contingencies, many think that sacrificing the theater for the benefit of some sub-brand of live entertainment is a good idea.

Viceversa, le amministrazioni pubbliche che credono nel progetto di circuito di ScenAperta - il primo e il più autorevole sistema di rete teatrale lombarda - testimoniano con forza il senso della cultura come servizio pubblico: la capacità di coniugare qualità e intrattenimento senza compromessi, senza scadere nel succedaneo teatrale, e rilanciando la posta in gioco, in questa stagione 2010/2011, con un cartellone ancora più ricco di grande prosa, di teatro ragazzi e di eventi speciali dal taglio scientifico.

Il teatro è vita, e la vita è teatro, non è possible to remove the prose the strong bond with the meaning of our existence. We, in this, we strongly believe it is why the bill of the new season of Polo dell'Altomilanese Theatre offers - once again for the eleventh consecutive year - the best prose of the National without compromise, with a route between some of the best directors of the "middle generation" (Tiezzi, Malosti, Dall'Aglio, moss), with a fascinating journey of classics (from Shakespeare to Moliere to Pirandello) until the

contemporary drama and comedy. Faced with closures systematic and systemic issues that are opposed to theater projects that do not come to terms with the qualitative, we try to choose the path of recovery, with content richer, more solid, more authoritative. With this broad , aware of our heritage, we feel ready to face the difficult challenge of reading the contemporary theater.

Paul Bignamini

Artistic Director circuit ScenAperta

Magnesium Deficiency Hives

Grassi (ScenAperta): "essere o non essere?"

To be or not, this is the problem: whether it is nobler to bear the soul insults, the slings and arrows of iniquity fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of \u200b\u200btroubles fighting and disperse them. (Hamlet: Act III - Scene I).

The many forms that human take the mind and soul are in Hamlet and you are composed. We are many, we are different, many different within ourselves but also on the share, in the feeling, we find the balance of a new force that unites us and adds: the draft.

be or not to be community? Being able to share an idea, cultivate it, shape it and innovate but also from within, or not be common home builders. Being able to put aside grandstanding and personal body or may not be unique and widespread force that aggregates, and involves emotional, or not community. be forward-looking and conservative at the same time, traditional liberals, be aware that the service burden and privilege, or may not be guide and reference for the community. Being so early actors but not first women, or not be sensitive to the essence, the soul of the theater, perception that goes beyond the expression.

Tune the action to the word, the word to the action: - making sure, particularly, not exceed the extent or the limits of naturalness, which is contrary to overdo the vocation of theater, of which the aim has always been and is to extend, it seems, a mirror up to nature to show virtue her own form, to vice its precise image (Hamlet: Act III - II second ).

Scenaperta community wants to be on this drive was born. Being ScenAperta means to participate in the circuit and interpret in his capacity true center for culture and for the show acting alongside and service to the surrounding territory and is, means offering new artistic projects and new organizational forms valued collectively at the shareholders' common and individual - town by town - in a direct relationship with the organizers and the public.

Forgive my virtue, already! - In these times and obese Bolsa is the virtue in having apologize to the defect, just like that: on his knees and ask permission to benefit him. (Hamlet: Act III - Scene IV).

Carlo Grassi

Direttore Organizzativo circuito ScenAperta

Getting Discounts At Atlantis

Cozzi (Legnano): qualità e scuole per il futuro

ScenAperta giunge al suo undicesimo anno di vita. Questo longevo circuito, fondato e costituito dalle amministrazioni comunali, offre un servizio di consulenza continua, insieme agli enti pensa un progetto di teatro, musica e attività culturali e ne segue l'organizzazione pratica. Con una ventina di eventi nella Winter season is about to begin, and at least that many in the summer just passed, with projects of regional significance and supported by Fondazione Cariplo Province of Milan, productions and co-productions on the bill in main theaters Lombard and Italian, is a ScenAperta reality that has the numbers to represent the cultural offer of territory. Starting from this new program, actively involving high schools of the area, we have activated a scambio che rappresenta una delle strade credibili per rilanciare il teatro nella società. Condividere con gli insegnanti l’individuazione

delle tematiche dello spettacolo, sapere parlare a un pubblico giovane con progetti integrati, dalla scuola di recitazione Teatri Possibili - ScenAperta agli eventi speciali a base di teatro e matematica, abbassare ulteriormente la soglia economica di ingresso per le scuole: tutto questo significa investire sul nuovo pubblico e su una prospettiva di società da rinnovare.

per ScenAperta: Maurizio Cozzi

Assessore alle Attività culturali del Comune di Legnano

Monday, November 8, 2010

Watch Brands Like Nooka

system error correction 5 / 10 in 8 triplets

After recent events in the league where teams have yet to settle down I think back to five out of ten sqaudre is much better to start making cash then these are the predictions for Wednesday ...

1434 11/10/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A  Brescia-Juventus  2  1.87     
1435  10/11/2010 20.45  Italy Serie A  Cagliari-Napoli  X  3.15     
1436  10/11/2010 20.45  Italy Serie A  Catania-Udinese  X2 DC  1.49     
1437  10/11/2010 20.45  Italy Serie A  Cesena-Lazio  2 2.2
1438 11/10/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A Chievo-Bari 1X DC 1.24
1439 10/11/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A Genoa-Bologna 1 1.73
1440 ; 11/10/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A Lecce-Inter 2 1.74
1441 11/10/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A Milan-Palermo 1 1.6
1442 10/11/2010 20:45 Italy Serie A Roma-Fiorentina 1  1.83     
1443  11/11/2010 20.45  Italy Serie A  Parma-Sampdoria  X2 DC  1.53       

Sunday, November 7, 2010

French Women In Girdles

bubble teams

Stuffed Bat Taxidermy

The bubbles of the week 07.11.2010

Well guys this week we have 4 systems in total gicoato here they are:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Places To Sell Blood In Alabama

Romeo&Giulietta, ScenAperta a Nerviano!

NERVIANO – Martedì 9 novembre la conferenza di presentazione e subito dopo, domenica 14 novembre alle 21, il grande evento inaugurale della nuova stagione di ScenAperta. Si apre al Monastero degli Olivetani di Nerviano il cartellone 2010 2011 del circuito teatrale dell'Altomilanese: in scena uno degli spettacoli più signficativi e divertenti degli ultimi anni, “Romeo & Giulietta – Nati sotto contraria stella”. “I veri protagonisti del nostro spettacolo – spiega il regista Leo Muscato - non sono i personaggi dell’opera, ma sette vecchi comici girovaghi che si presentano al pubblico per interpretare La dolorosa storia di Giulietta e del suo Romeo. Sanno bene che è una storia che già tutti conoscono, ma loro sono intenzionati a raccontarla, osservando il più autentico spirito elisabettiano: sono tutti uomini e ognuno di loro interpreta più personaggi, anche quelli femminili! Il fatto è che di pari passo con le buone intenzioni, vanno their actual ability (or modes) of being on stage. Rivals and accomplices at the same time, first you steal jokes, help each other as best they can. " Not to be missed.

shines on the contrary, but the right side, the star of Leo Moss. His "Romeo and Juliet revisited, rewritten, played down is a small masterpiece, a show that is successful, boldly changing the order of its parts, to get the most Shakespearean of the results. The preparation of the young director, a member of the most interesting of the emerging generation, first place su solide basi storiche: un riferimento chiaro al teatro elisabettiano, interpretato da soli uomini, e la consapevolezza che i testi del cinquecento erano pre-testi sui quali veniva chiesto agli attori di improvvisare. E il caso di Shakespeare non faceva differenza. (…) un "Romeo e Giulietta" di rara fedeltà all'originale. Una fedeltà carica di onestà intellettuale e teatrale, una sincerità artistica che colloca questo nuovo lavoro di Leo Muscato tra le proposte più interessati dell'intera stagione teatrale italiana.

Paolo Bignamini,

NERVIANO - Monastery of Olivetani

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beginning at 21

Romeo & Juliet - Born otherwise under star

by William Shakespeare

with Ruggero Dondi,

Salvatore Landolina, Marco Gobetti,

Dario Buccino, Jordan Mancioppi

and with the extraordinary participation of Ernesto Mahieux

directed by Leo Moss

Leart 'theater

Admission € 12

7 € 21 subscription performances

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Remove The Stock Of A Marlin 30-30


Evil One word ... ! External events of 9 6 wins: 2 wins and a draw internal forecasts veramenti difficult to hit and then the first blow of the systems proposed by me, this week meditating on the money lost but there are 100 € despair returned victorious next week.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just For Men Grecian Side Effect

"John", Lucilla Giagnoni legge i Beatles

CHIAVENNA - Friday, November 5, at 21, in the auditorium of the Society of Democratic Workers Chiavenna will read "John" by Cynthia Lennon.
The event is organized by the pace of the city, the first jazz circuit in Lombardy, under "Project Beatles", a 40 anni dallo scioglimento del gruppo ed a 30 anni dalla morte di John Lennon. Si tratta di una lettura scenica di Lucilla Giagnoni, con la drammaturgia di Paolo Bignamini (direttore artistico del circuito ScenAperta), e curata da Emilio Sioli.
Musiche di John Lennon e Paul McCartney. L'evento è realizzato grazie all'organizzazione ed ai contributi di: Regione Lombardia, Fondazione Cariplo, Associazione Arti e Corti, ScenAperta Altomilanese Teatri, Società Democratica Operaia di Chiavenna, Ambria Jazz. Prevendita presso il negozio “Musica” in via Dolzino a Chiavenna.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Do Chi Straighteners Have A Lifetime Guarantee?

The gaming bill the week of the Week 9 / 10 events played over 8

6980-12 ITAA 29/10 20:45 GENOA INTER 2 1X 2.05 1.69
ITAA 6980-13 30/10 18:00 ROMA LECCE 1 FIXED 1.35
6980-14 ITAA 30/10 20:45 MILAN JUVENTUS 1 X2 1.90 1.82 6980-15
ITAA 31/10 12:30 PALERMO LAZIO 1 X2 2.25 1 , 58
6980-16 ITAA 15:00 10.31 3.15 1.31 X 12 BARI UDINESE
6980-17 ITAA NAPOLI BRESCIA 31/10 15:00 2.40 1.51 2 1X
6980-18 ITAA 31 / 10 15:00 BOLOGNA CAGLIARI 1X FIXED 1.18
6980-19 ITAA CESENA Sampdoria 2 1X 31/10 15:00 2.50 31/10 15:00 1.47
6980-20 ITAA Parma Chievo 1 2 X2, 10 1.65 6980-21

Played on 24 column reduced the maximum payout can cost 48 € 2778.26 €

second week system

6980 - ITAA 12 29/10 20:45 GENOA INTER X 2 3,25 2,00
6980-13 ITAA 30/10 18:00 ROMA LECCE 1 FISSO 1,35
6980-14 ITAA 30/10 20:45 MILAN JUVENTUS 1 X 1,90 3,40
6980-15 ITAA 31/10 12:30 PALERMO LAZIO 1 X 2,25 3,30
6980-16 ITAA 31/10 15:00 BARI UDINESE 1 X 2,45 3,15
6980-17 ITAA 31/10 15:00 BRESCIA NAPOLI X 2 3,20 2,40
6980-18 ITAA 31/10 15:00 CAGLIARI BOLOGNA 1X FISSO 1,18
6980-19 ITAA 31/10 15:00 CESENA SAMPDORIA X 2 3,15 2,50
6980-20 ITAA 31/10 15:00 PARMA CHIEVO 1 X 2,10 3,10
6980-21 ITAA 31/10 20:45 CATANIA FIORENTINA 12 FISSO 1,31

giocato su 24 colonne ridotte massima vincita possibile 3.411,25 euro
costo 48 euro

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Floating Bedside Table

Summary of Tuesday

Bene ragazzi ci ritroviamo di nuovo al nostro consueto riepilogo della settimana. Queta volta siamo stati meno fortunati infatti per quanto riguarda la scommessa UNICA abbiamo perso un solo evento Inter -Samp finita 1 a 1 ma comunque non ci ha tolto niente dalla tasca infatti con la copertura di 50 euro sull'X2 di questa partita siamo riusciti a prendere 110euro lordi ovviamente. La botta più grande l'abbiamo presa sul sistema a correzzione di errori in quanto abbiamo sbagliato la bellezza di 5 eventi e per questo secondo sistema non siamo in guadagno. Comunque a conti fatti e tirando le somme questa settimana finisce cosi:

Spesa Totale sistema - 100 euro
Vincite - 110 euro
Utile netto 10 euro
Percentuale di vincita 10% su 100 euro
Totale percentuale sul capitale investito in 2 settimane 351%.
Ciao belli ci vediamo presto!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Open Sore On Horse Knee


Dopo 2 partite giocate in serie A abbiamo perso la prima squadra nel sistema a correzione d'errore quindi la vincita totale ora si riduce a 426.74 euro. Per quanto riguarda il sistema UNICO tutto bene fino ora 2 squadre su due prese.
Alla fine del primo tempo siamo messi mali solo 2 squadre su 10 nel sistema ridotto nel sistema Unico invece 5 su 10 speriamo nel secondo tempo. A dopo....
Alla fine del secondo tempo notizie ottime...tutte prese nel sistema UNICO tranne Inter-Samp di questa sera Uno fisso e domani l'1/2 Napoli - Milan . Per non incorrere in uan spiacevole sorpresa ho gia giocato 48 euro sull'X2 della Samp cosi da vincere € 110 with an adverse outcome at least we take the costs for the next game. The reduced system has not gone so well if we take the two missing results are € 161 more to win that are added to 537 698 €! Until now we have exactly 100 euro cost for all the bills that should be played and poorly I'll take the 110 taking all the costs. We update tomorrow with the post Hello everyone!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Disinfect Your Car After Chicken Pox

System Updates error-correcting 6 / 10 quatrains

Non Emergency Medical Transportation Business

single bill in the week

Friday, October 22, 2010

Garrett's Popcorn Wiki

remove the bet Fiorentina - Bari:
1X2 FINAL RESULT: Fiorentina
Parma - Rome
Bologna - Juventus
Chievo - Cesena
Genoa - Catania
Lazio - Cagliari
Udinese - Palermo
Inter - Sampdoria
Napoli - Milan
Lecce - Brescia

Summary bet

Total share

Stake 8 €
Number of selections 10
Multiple bonus 27.63%
possible winnings € 498.46

Stake 8 €

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cub Scout Pokemon Patch

The provisional board of the next round

Fiorentina - Bari a fixed Mijailovic's team can not afford to make other missteps is the last place in the standings and he's already half a foot in the grave intended victim is Bari, which in turn will have the grudge for the home defeat against Lazio on Sunday but will once again schiearare Parisi at the center of the defense where he a role not just to him the conventional (Rinaldi still out) also violates suffer from the lack of D'Agostino, but I firmly believe in redemption.

Bologna - Juventus X2 the bologna in the house is a 'good the team still alive Di Vaio will invoke the qualities of scorer even though the team has no rossoblu Perez and Edwards still in doubt, Juve but ultimately it is a team Krasic is really healthy and a fury. Finally I think Juve will win but the Bologna may surprise you.

Chievo - Cesena a fixed Here I have no doubt seen outside the house in Milan Chievo Stao is really good and Luciano Sardo are out but the substitutes are no less Cesena is also a lower level if it has the pink all available direct comparison for the salvation comes from Chievo Verona and can not miss the appointment.

Genoa - Catania 1 fixed Gasperini will be without three important elements of Veloso, Palacio and Jankovic Sculli Karja but not so much inferior to my fellow owners away from Massimino Catania is not a team teribbille Maxi Lopez and also because it became Lopez as a Mini.

Inter - Sampdoria 1 fixed the technical level than you can not hide first striker Eto'o goal in clusters means the only problem will come back when the defense is full Milito Samp instead has his best central Lucchini disqualified and Guberti Semioli and are in doubt. Inter win no doubt.

Lazio - Cagliari 1 fixed Lazio in full force Hernanes is a thorn in the side to all the teams Cagliari also Ragatsu is complete except for a lower level and do not see it come out unscathed Olimpico on Sunday.

Lecce - Brescia Lecce 1X if want to save is better than at least starts to trot Salento house where the team is very tough training is complete and the Brescia deprived of its protégé Diamonds disqualified in his place Kone should try at least a draw.

Parma - Roma X2 Parma is without its central Paci squalificae but Giovinco falls while Roma will have to redeem the bad impression of the Champions League with FC Basel in doubt, but still falls Vucinic De Rossi once again that I think Totti and Co. give their all to win.

Udinese - Palermo Udinese 1X now has bounced back after two straight wins is a team fit in the house should be even more competitive although it will be replaced by free Domizzi Coda, il Palermo invece anch'esso in ottima forma sarà privo di Bovo al centro della difesa ma ha Pastore  e Ilijic in gran forma. Questa è una partita da tripla le percentuali sono molto vicine ma io credo che alla fine il Palermo dovrà veramente lottare per il pareggio.

Napoli - Milan 12 Il Napoli dovrebbe avere la forza di una big per lottare almeno per il terzo posto quindi anche se mi lascia perplessso il sostituto di Cannavaro (Cribari) comunque ha Cavani che segna a ripetizione nel Milan invece rietra Thiago Silva e Pato e Ibra non sono da meno a Lavezzi e Compagni insomma un'altra tripla ma la nostra fortuna è che giocano di lunedi quindi se abbiamo 9\10 di risultati a quel punto la copriremo con una contro scommessa.

Per oggi è tutto ci aggiorniamo a domani per le quote Betfair e i relativi importi. Ciao guagliò!!!!!

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Predictions League 23/25 October 2010

Milan Naples
23-Oct Fiorentina Bari 1 0
50% 32% 19%
+0.5 +
24-Oct Bologna Juventus 1 1
32% 36% 32%
0 +
24-Oct Chievo Cesena 1 0
55% 28% 17%
+0.75 +
24-Oct Genoa Catania 1 0
51% 31% 19%
+0.5 +
24-Oct Inter Sampdoria 1 0
56% 27% 17%
+0.75 +
24-Oct Lazio Cagliari 1 0
52% 30% 18%
+0.5 +
24-Oct Lecce Brescia 1 0
48% 32% 20%
+0.5 +
24-Oct Parma Roma 0 1
29% 27% 44 %
0 +
24-Oct Udinese Palermo 1 1
35% 35% 30%
0 +
25-Oct 1 1
40% 34% 26%
+0.25 +