Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Statiefbarska 20-60x80

Arianna Scommegna door Testori in Nerviano

NERVIANO - Venerdì 4 febbraio, presso il Monastero degli Olivetani di Nerviano, in scena "Cleopatràs" di Giovanni Testori, con Arianna Scommegna.

Cleopatràs è il primo dei “Tre lai” pubblicati postumi nel 1994. Si tratta di tre lamenti di morte che altrettante figure femminili – Cleopatra e poi Erodiade (Erodiàs) e la Madonna (Mater Strangosciàs) – rivolgono al loro amato. Nell’estremo congedo vi è un canto sfrenato per la vita. Cleopatràs tocca tutti i tasti del rimpianto per la perduta ricchezza della vitalità e sono proprio gli elementi più concreti of life to haunt the hallucinatory mind of the dying: the food, beverages, clothing, songs, holidays ... attachment to their land in the kingdom of Egypt that the rewriting testoriana becomes a piece of Lombardy between the two branches of Lake Como.
"By now, the only names that I can write without being overwhelmed by an impression of falsity, are the names of the places of origin of my family: Lasnigo, Sormano ... For me, there must always, as I write, a specific embodiment, or co-incarnation. So, as I write, I get these names out of natural necessity. What do special Lasnigo, Chiavenna Magreglio, Lake Segrino? Yet read in context, these names take on a power capable of summoning, I think, to touch even those who did not know those places. I feel the need to gather the names of my childhood. When I read the pages I write, I realize that certain expressions, certain ways of speaking, even certain linguistic inventions come to me, consciously or not, by the way they were talking about my dad and my mom, my uncles and knowledge. At home they spoke the dialect, and myself, with my sisters and my brother, I speak the dialect. It is a dialect airy, a little 'intermarriage between Milan and Monza. Over time, especially now that I'm sick, I realize that all this runs something fundamental, decisive. "

The project was proposed by the Festival Teatrinmovimento (III low premium for the new city stage drama - June 2005), a festival that explores the language of the theater for the occasion, Arianna Scommegna Cleopatra had presented the text in the form of reading. The occasion
immediately became, for the actress, the desire to study the text of a writer, Giovanni Testori, which can be considered one of the fathers of the Italian drama 900. The actress
driven by an urgency poetry descends into an identification value of the character performing a monologue, a trip down memory lane in search of a lost time, whose evocative power rests wise use of a language, invented and self-sufficient, every right in the history of Italian theater.

NERVIANO - Monastery of Olivetani

FRIDAY February 4, 2011 Beginning at 21


Giovanni Testori

with Arianna Scommegna

the cello Montanari

directed by Antony Gigi Dall'Aglio


Admission € 12

Subscription 21 € 7 shows


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