Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Difference Between Acne And Impetigo

Mayan astronomy, success at Villa Adele

San Vittore Olona - Sold out at Villa Adele for the second work on the bill for the 2010-2011 season of ScenAperta, Polo dell'Altomilanese play with "Space, stars and Archaeoastronomy - Bars mathematician "Company Pact. the Theatre for the project TeatroinMatematica by Maria Eugenia D'Aquino and Renato Betti Valentina Colorni with Giulio Magli.
"Science can be affordable for all", begins the mathematician, professor of geometry at the Polytechnic of Milan, Renato Betti, who stars in this original, interesting and ingenious project TeatroinMatematica. "Science - he added - can be supportive of phenomena that have a representation in space." That seems so mysterious, but Giulio Magli, a physics professor at the Politecnico di Milano, helps us: "Mathematics through le forme geometriche, gli spazi, le forme, le stelle e con il contributo della Archeoastronomia, ci aiutano a svelare dei fenomeni: come la posizione delle piramidi in Egitto, o i megalitici dell’acropoli di Norba nel Lazio e addirittura la famosa profezia Maya, di cui tanto si è interessata la cinematografia in questi ultimi tempi”.
Ecco quindi che attraverso postulati, osservazioni, si arriva a stravolgere anche il teorema di Euclide che rappresentava un assunto universale, ma non è altro che l’insieme di tanti modelli che spiegano dei fenomeni applicati alla matematica, ma anche e soprattutto alla vita terrena: come la costruzione di città, vedi Cusco costruita a 1200 metri di altezza nel 1300 dc.
Ecco che The theater becomes a bond with the science, with pieces by D'Aquino and Colorni taken from "Parallelism: Euclidean geometry is not" that tells of a young mathematician that while the revolution rages against the sovereign that is starving the people and proclaims laws unjust, asking for an interview with an old scientist to announce a revolutionary discovery. Maria Eugenia D'Aquino concludes: "Testing of this type of theater is having success and all the representations we have so many young people.'s side-project we have also brought in schools, involving about twenty thousand students, a success considering that mathematics is the bane of students, but presented so is quite another thing ".
And we realize we searched the faces of the audience satisfied including the deputy mayor of San Vittore Olona Marco Zerboni and Alderman James Agrati culture - "We are satisfied with the representation and the large audience involved. We must have the courage to dare and tonight we brought in Villa Adele, thanks to ScenAperta, an unusual work that we believe has been "guessed."

The prophecy of the Maya? A cyclic counter that is based on rotors 5: day, month, year, twenties, and cycles of four years: the end of each rotation cycle ... we started from scratch. If it is unclear introduce yourself to the next show. For dates www.pacta.org

Enzo Mari


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