Anteprima: ScenAperta 2010/2011 in arrivo!
few more days Scenaperta presentation of the theatrical season 2010-2011.
tell us something: like every year, we will propose in the Municipality of Legnano CLASS season at the Theatre Gallery and the season at the Auditorium Boys Twice. OFF
season will be divided between the municipalities dell'Altomilanese, Cardano al Campo and Bresso.
Among the titles expected, "Waiting for Godot" by Beckett, "The Man with the flower in the mouth" of Pirandello, "The School for Wives" by Molière, but also interpretations of Testori, with "The Betrothed to the test" and "Cleopatra".
Among the actors and filmmakers: Federico Tiezzi, Valter Malosti, Max Pisu, Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere, Renato Sarti, Leo Muscato, Sandro Lombari, Iaia Forte...
A breve troverete la pubblicazione del calendario completo della stagione e anche le nostre vantaggiose modalità di abbonamento.
Il countdown è iniziato, Scenaperta 2010/2011 è in arrivo!
Per info:
ScenAperta – Altomilanese Teatri
tel. 0331.548589
cell. 329-7775140
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