"amnesia" with Max Pisu
LEGNANO - Continuation of the season ScenAperta Class with the show "Amnesia", which sees only star on stage at the Theatre Gallery of Legnano, the extraordinary Max Pisu.
"This show is called amnesia.
Now I can not remember why I decided to call it that, but there must be a reason.
is surely a play, there are several monologues, different characters and laugh: this is not
it snows ... no big ... .. it's raining? raining!
It 's kind of, as they say, list, list, sort of ... a human sample. The characters are bizarre and newspapers at the same time. There an enthusiast who needs to organize a party but the guests ... lam, a curious, a bit 'pushy with its neighbor waiting at the dentist, a "big baby", a leftist, an infant, two elderly diligent "controllers" of yards and then there's ... ... who's there? There are many others.
onstage are just but I always speak with someone;
there but not there. They seem
monologues but dialogues newspapers and surreal.
Maybe it's a metaphor for contemporary life, even if I do not remember what it's like a metaphor.
A show full of amnesia, where we understand that we forget just what suits us and not listen to others. If we listen rideremmo much more.
Well, see you in the theater if ... I remember! "
Max Pisu Max Pisu, in this play, leaving the role of Tarcisio to dress those of several characters that give us the measure of what can be" surreal "and the reality of how extraordinary the everyday, also going through the obvious, true or false, so many "common places".
Monologues but seem dialogues. dialogues with each other, but this imagery, or better, but probably absent there. What leaves us to talk and, listening, exposes our hidden cynicism, he sounds ridiculous, even comical, as we say but perhaps tragic that so many of the thoughts generated.
Recall the Convention between ScenAperta and exhibition of Rodin - the origins of genius:
presenting cash the ticket of the exhibition will be entitled to reduced tickets on places of stalls and armchair (25 to € 20 from € 20 to 16).
LEGNANO - Theatre Gallery
TUESDAY 'March 8, 2011 Beginning at 21
Max Pisu
Richard Piferi Max Pisu
and directed by Richard Piferi
original music by Frank Serafini
the song "If I do not remember do not remember "is Max Pisu Franco Serafini and
voiceovers Tania De Domenico Martino and Gonnelli
organization Carlo Grassi
stills Luca Rossato
production Mat & Teo
poltronissima 25 euro
poltrona 20 euro
seconda galleria 16 euro
tel. 0331-548589
cel. 329-7775140
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