Monday, February 28, 2011

What Brazilian Money Look Like

Weekend Alcatraz: Friday, March 4 "Dora Lee" and Saturday, March 5 "Marlene Kuntz" Alcatraz



via Valtellina 21



infoline: 349 7853861 02 69016352

Venerdì 4 marzo




Donna: € 8 (ridotto) con una consumazione
Men's: € 12 (reduced) with a drink
Full: € 16

Opening doors until 23.00

live show with


to unleash you with a repertoire that ranges

the hit of the moment,

to dance Latin, the Italian rock, dance

the '70-'80-'90, the '60s revival

(info & photo on www.unionsound . com )

00:30 am Track 1: Angelo Diggei + Danilo Rossini
(r'n'b - Commercial - Revival)
Track 2: Mary Key (Rock - Ska - Reggae)

Runway 3: The Goonies' Friday Party

(all Italian music from the '60s to today

and the best of international dance of the 80s-90s)

Saturday March 5


input single disc:
Woman: € 6 (concessions) with a drink
Men: € 10 (reduced) with a drink
Full: € 14

input + live disc: € 15

(without drink)

doors opening at 21:30


live show with


(photo info on )

00:30 am Track 1: DJ Gaucho (rock / ska / reggae)
Track 2: Dj Steeve (commercial music / R & B / '80 - '90)
Runway 3: Dj Gary (classic heavy metal music)

Office Lunatik promotion - 035/19964681 - 035/19964064

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Painting My Kitchen Blue

Weekend: Feb. 25 "Giubocs" and 26 February "35 Caliber"

week's appointments

@ ALCATRAZ Via Valtellina 21


INFO: / alcatrazmilano

infoline: 349 7853861 - 02 69016352

Friday, February 25



I NPUTS: 15 € till 23.00 without consummation


Woman: € 8 (reduced) with a drink
Men: € 12 (reduced) with a drink
Full: € 16

Apertura porte ore 23.00

live show con


per compiere un piacevole viaggio attraverso le più conosciute

e divertenti canzoni italiane anni '50-'60

arrangiate in chiave Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly, Swing, Ska

( info & photo su )

Ore 00.30

Pista 1: Diggei Angelo + Danilo Rossini
(R'n'b - Commerciale - Revival)
Pista 2: Mary Key (Rock - Ska - reggae)

Pista 3: The Goonies' Friday Party

(tutta la musica italiana from the '60s to today

and the best of international dance of the 80s-90s)

Saturday February 26


Women € 6 (reduced) with a drink
Men: € 10 (reduced) with a drink
Full: € 14

doors opening at 22:00

live show at 22.30 with


(photo info on )

Office Lunatik promotion - 03519964681 - 03519964064

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cruising Spots In Richmond Va

"amnesia" with Max Pisu

LEGNANO - Continuation of the season ScenAperta Class with the show "Amnesia", which sees only star on stage at the Theatre Gallery of Legnano, the extraordinary Max Pisu.

"This show is called amnesia.
Now I can not remember why I decided to call it that, but there must be a reason.
is surely a play, there are several monologues, different characters and laugh: this is not
it snows ... no big ... .. it's raining? raining!
It 's kind of, as they say, list, list, sort of ... a human sample. The characters are bizarre and newspapers at the same time. There an enthusiast who needs to organize a party but the guests ... lam, a curious, a bit 'pushy with its neighbor waiting at the dentist, a "big baby", a leftist, an infant, two elderly diligent "controllers" of yards and then there's ... ... who's there? There are many others.
onstage are just but I always speak with someone;
there but not there. They seem
monologues but dialogues newspapers and surreal.
Maybe it's a metaphor for contemporary life, even if I do not remember what it's like a metaphor.
A show full of amnesia, where we understand that we forget just what suits us and not listen to others. If we listen rideremmo much more.
Well, see you in the theater if ... I remember! "

Max Pisu Max Pisu, in this play, leaving the role of Tarcisio to dress those of several characters that give us the measure of what can be" surreal "and the reality of how extraordinary the everyday, also going through the obvious, true or false, so many "common places".
Monologues but seem dialogues. dialogues with each other, but this imagery, or better, but probably absent there. What leaves us to talk and, listening, exposes our hidden cynicism, he sounds ridiculous, even comical, as we say but perhaps tragic that so many of the thoughts generated.

Recall the Convention between ScenAperta and exhibition of Rodin - the origins of genius:
presenting cash the ticket of the exhibition will be entitled to reduced tickets on places of stalls and armchair (25 to € 20 from € 20 to 16).

LEGNANO - Theatre Gallery
TUESDAY 'March 8, 2011 Beginning at 21

Max Pisu


Richard Piferi Max Pisu
and directed by Richard Piferi
original music by Frank Serafini
the song "If I do not remember do not remember "is Max Pisu Franco Serafini and
voiceovers Tania De Domenico Martino and Gonnelli
organization Carlo Grassi
stills Luca Rossato
production Mat & Teo

poltronissima 25 euro
poltrona 20 euro
seconda galleria 16 euro

tel. 0331-548589
cel. 329-7775140

How To Get A Master Lock Combination Legally

For the little ones get to the theater "The blue giant"

LEGNANO - E' in partenza la stagione teatrale per i più piccini - ScenAperta Ragazzi 2010/2011 - che si terrà presso L'Auditorium Tirinnanzi di via Abruzzi, 19 a Legnano.
Ad aprire la rassegna sarà lo spettacolo "Il gigante blu" della compagnia Ditta Gioco Fiaba.

Un'avventura del coraggioso Ranuncolo costretto ad affrontare un terribile gigante che depreda i campi della sua famiglia.
Ma come sconfiggere un avversario prepotente e aggressivo...e tanto tanto altro?
Forse è meglio usare la testa e preferire l'astuzia alla violenza così come suggerirà un uccello magico che il gigante tiene prigioniero.

Domenica 20 febbraio - Ore 16
Auditorium Tirinnanzi
via Abruzzi, 19 - Legnano

Ditta Gioco Fiaba
Con Luca Ciancia e Michela Costa
Spettacolo per bambini dai 4 ai 10 anni
Ingresso 5 euro

tel./fax 0331-548589
cel. 329-7775140

Monday, February 14, 2011

Homemade Pellet Traps

Event "Malamore" in Bresso and Cardano

BRESSO e CARDANO AL CAMPO - "Malamore", l'attesissimo spettacolo interpretato da Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere e scritto da Concita De Gregorio sarà in scena mercoledì 16 febbraio a Bresso (MI) e giovedì 17 febbraio a Cardano al Campo (VA).

Un’autrice di forte impegno sociale e un’attrice di grande eleganza insieme per raccontare la condizione femminile in un presente ancora così poco vicino all’”altra metà del cielo”.
“Le donne hanno più confidenza con il dolore. E’ un compagno di vita, è un nemico tanto familiare. Da essere quasi amico. Ci si convive, è normale. Strillare disperde le energie, lamentarsi non serve. Trasformarlo, invece: ecco cosa serve. Trasformare il dolore in forza. Le storie raccolte sono scie luminose, stelle cadenti che illuminano a volte molto da lontano una grande domanda: What causes us not to reject, even to live with the violence? Why tolerate those who take it, and how does it do? How high the stakes? Some succumb, die many, many share a life with private, unspeakable, daily penance. Some to do it '.

BRESSO - Civic Center Pertini
WEDNESDAY February 16, 2011

Cardano Al Campo - IMAX Auditorium
THURSDAY February 17, 2011 Beginning at 21


Conchita De Gregorio
with Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere
Tieffe Theatre
Admission € 12

Subscription 21 € 7 shows

Monday, February 7, 2011

Federal Concealed Weapons Permit

The Betrothed to the test , Testori in Legnano

Legnano - Tuesday, February 8 to 21, the big event of the inaugural season of ScenAperta Class. At La Galleria di Legnano, staged "The Betrothed to the test" by Giovanni Testori, directed by Federico Tiezzi.

On a makeshift stage, it must be supposed in some neighborhood not exactly "good" in Milan, a Master, the old comedian, is anxious to play to a group of comedians that nothing shabby Manzoni's masterpiece. So start
"I promesa married to the test", with text that in 1984 Giovanni Testori, after rewrites by Shakespeare and Sophocles, this comes to its inevitable finish. Main interest is to make del romanzo uno "specchio" in cui riflettere i suoi "anni tribolatissimi" che, a ben vedere, sono anche i nostri. Quante pesti ci affliggono! quella del degrado dell'ambiente, dell'indurimento dei cuori, dell'omologazione delle coscienze, dell’allontanamento graduale dalla realtà, dell'incapacità di vedere la trasformabilità della società.
Soprattutto la peste della chiusura alla diversità, alla comunicazione, al mondo.
Ed è al desiderio di aprire gli occhi sulla realtà (e con lo strumento dell’umorismo manzoniano) che gli interventi testoriani si appigliano per dissezionare i nuclei narrativi originari e ricomporli in parabole insieme sceniche e morali. A differenza delle sue reinvenzioni Shakespearean, even from the title indicated by a linguistic distortion (The Ambleto, Macbeth), and in this case remains intact, as if intangible, the formula Manzoni, and there you just add the specification: "the test". In these two words is not only an indication that the novel will be pushed into the territory of the theater, but across the immensity of the whole work, and perhaps the whole life, Testori: verification of their loves, their passions human and cultural, "test" ...

Moreover, the "test" is, in every sense, the heart of the work as a director, in the double sense of "put into evidence" the feasibility of a theatrical text or any stage of a hypothesis, and "verify" his estate in a historical situation changed. And this premise is based on the work of Tiezzi, not an explanation of the novel but, as he wished Testori, a "lesson and a warning" The Betrothed because they are "the novel of history, and the people in this story embodies the absolute freedom ". In a structure similar to that of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, on a bare stage, there is the evidence of a "comedy to be done" where the themes of reflection on the theater and its communication behavior, mix together the great grounds Manzoni's mercy, grace, evil and death, of Providence and salvation. Don Abbondio, Renzo, Lucia, from Christopher, the Unnamed, Don Rodrigo returned to us through the body and the voice of the protagonists of 'evidence' in a mixture of shares and a vivid theatrical roles.
With this show deals with Testori Tiezzi and Manzoni, to say a word, not rhetoric but also that it starts from below, from the humble, the disinherited, those who identify their lives with respect for others, the world and history - a word on the sesquicentennial anniversary of Italian unity, that unity which Manzoni helped to create in terms of linguistic and literary, engaging in the Tuscan tradition of Lombardy. Units of language as a unity of a nation: culture is not something separate from history but also determines it. In
teatrografia Federico Tiezzi, Betrothed to test these to make up a perfect diptych with Simon Boccanegra recently directed at the Staatsoper in Berlin and then at La Scala: Verdi and Manzoni have contributed by "artists", and why no other artist, the unity of the nation.

enters into force, as of this date, the Convention between ScenAperta and the exhibition of Rodin - the origins of genius:
case presenting the ticket to the exhibition you will be entitled to reduced tickets on places of stalls and armchair (25 at 20 €, from 20 to 16 €).

LEGNANO - Theatre Gallery
TUESDAY 'February 8, 2011 Beginning at 21

The Betrothed TO TEST

by Giovanni Testori

directed by Federico Tiezzi

Master / Sandro Lombardi
The actor who does Renzo / Frank Colella
The actress makes Lucia / Debora Zuin
The actress who is Agnes, Marion D'Hamburg
The actress who does Perpetua / Caterina Simonelli
The actor who does Egidio / Alessandro Schiavo
The actor who does Don Rodrigo / Massimo Greenish
The actress is Gertrude / Iaia Forte

scenes Pier Paolo Bisleri
costumes Giovanna Buzzi
lights Gianni Pollini

Metastasio Theatre - Stable in Tuscany, Teatro Stabile di Torino, Sandro Company Lombardi

poltronissima 25 euro
poltrona 20 euro
seconda galleria 16 euro

Abbonamento 5 spettacoli:
poltronissima 90 euro
poltrona 75 euro
seconda galleria 60 euro

tel. 0331-548589

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ttc Having Pain To Right Side


21 febbraio - 5 marzo 2011 Teatro Miela, Trieste