Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gifting Property To Family

Venezia: il Dizionario della censura nel cinema

VENICE - New showcase for "dictionary of censorship in the cinema" Jean-Luc Douin The book, edited by Mimesis and published in October in all libraries, is being presented for Italy during the Venice Film Festival. Speakers: Paul Bignamini editor of the volume and artistic director of the Italian circuit ScenAperta, the philosopher Massimo Donà and co-director of Mimesis, Luca Taddio,
The work represents a unique landscape in the bibliographic world: how to read or simply as a means of consultation, this dictionary, in which cases of censorship are told through the experience of actors, filmmakers, movies, nations, thematic tours, shows the multiplicity of a phenomenon that mutilates, cuts, catch, seize, burn, tyrannize, it kills. The entries range from censored titles like "Farewell My Concubine" and "Natural Born Killers," to filmmakers such as Bernardo Bertolucci and Pier Paolo Pasolini, through thematic tours such as "Posters" and "Pornography" to the great national cinemas (Italy, France, U.S. ...).
"On the one hand - the author writes in the introduction - there is state censorship, on the other, that of religion, a political party, the ruling caste, administration ... and the market. But the revolution, the abolition of censorship, might not pass the first by a revolt intimate, the capacity for every human being to operate in the secrecy of his consciousness, his "intimate conviction", his personal control commission? In this universe, whose murder is a crime and the description of the murder is not, in which love is not a crime but the description of love is, it's up to each viewer to determine the law as one of its inner riches and the proposal of 'reflection' outside represented by this delivery of images and sounds. "
"This dictionary - Bignamini Paul explains - clearly reflects the centrality of the author grants French film experience.
In due respect to this plant, have been updated and verified for the Italian reader, the items covered. The work also features an afterword unusual: it is a text - just moving from a French film crucial to the movie experience of the twentieth century, Hiroshima mon amour - reflects a new way of considering the complaint, with an approach that proves to open a way for aesthetic reflection. "

THURSDAY 'Sept. 2, at 17
Area Nastro Azzurro Club - Venice, Lido

Speakers: PAUL Bignamini editor of the book, the philosopher MASSIMO DONA'
the co-director of editorial Mimesis LUCA Taddia
for info +39 335 6813419

Jean-Luc Douin
Italian version by Paul Bignamini
Ed Mimesis - www.mimesisedizioni.it

Jean-Luc Douin was to Combat reporter, editor Télérama cinema, books, bureau chief at Le Monde, where he is currently a film critic.
In 2007 he made his debut in fiction for her novel Le premier sommeil.

Paul Bignamini, journalist, playwright and director, writes on the cultural pages of Il Sole 24 Ore. Its theatrical release and its texts were represented nei più importanti teatri italiani. Per Mimesis ha tradotto e curato le edizioni italiane de Le Troiane e de Le mani sporche di Jean-Paul Sartre.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How Do I Test My Camera From Outside My Network

Locarno, 'Dizionario della censura nel cinema'

LOCARNO - Esce finalmente in lingua italiana il “Dizionario della censura nel cinema” di Jean-Luc Douin, vero e proprio best-seller degli ultimi dieci anni in Francia.
L'opera rappresenta un unicum nel panorama bibliografico mondiale: come semplice lettura o come strumento di consultazione, questo dizionario, nel quale i casi di censura sono raccontati attraverso l'esperienza di attori, cineasti, film, nazioni, percorsi tematici, mostra la molteplicità di un fenomeno che mutila, taglia, cattura, sequestra, brucia, tiranneggia, uccide.
Le voci vanno da titoli censurati come “Addio mia concubina” e “Assassini nati”, a cineasti come Bernardo Bertolucci e Pier Paolo Pasolini, passando per percorsi tematici come “Locandine” e “Pornografia” fino alle grandi cinematografie nazionali (Italia, Francia, Stati Uniti...).
“Da una parte - scrive l'autore nell'introduzione -, c'è la censura di Stato, dall'altra, quella della religione, di un partito, della casta dominante, dell'amministrazione... e del mercato. Ma la rivoluzione, l'abolizione delle censure, non passa forse prima da una rivolta intima, dalla capacità per ogni essere umano di far funzionare nel segreto della sua coscienza, della sua «intima conviction, "his personal control commission? In this universe, whose murder is a crime and the description of the murder is not, in which love is not a crime but the description of love is, it's up to each viewer to determine the law as one of its inner riches and the proposal of 'reflection' outside represented by this delivery of images and sounds. "
"This dictionary - Bignamini explains Paul, curator of the Italian edition - reflects clearly the centrality of the experience that the author grants French film.
In due respect to this plant, have been updated and verified for the Italian reader, the items covered. L'opera presenta inoltre una postfazione inedita: si tratta di un testo che – muovendo proprio da un film francese cruciale per l'esperienza cinematografica del Novecento, Hiroshima mon amour – riflette su un ulteriore modo di considerare la censura, con un approccio che provi ad aprire una strada a una riflessione estetica”.
Il libro, edito da Mimesis e in uscita a ottobre in tutte le librerie, viene presentato da Paolo Bignamini in anteprima durante il festival del cinema di Locarno:

Venerdì 13 agosto , ore 18
Rivelino Art Gallery
via Al Castello 1- 6600 Locarno
info: tel. +41 796324378

All'incontro parteciperanno giornalisti cinematografici Italian and Swiss.

Jean-Luc Douin
Italian version by Paul Bignamini
Ed Mimesis - www.mimesisedizioni.it

Jean-Luc Douin was to Combat reporter, editor Télérama cinema, books, bureau chief at Le Monde, where he is currently a film critic.
In 2007 he made his debut in fiction for her novel Le premier sommeil.

Paul Bignamini, journalist, playwright and director, writes on the cultural pages of Il Sole 24 Ore. Its theatrical release and its texts were represented in the major Italian theaters. Mimesis was responsible for the Italian edition of The Trojan Women and The dirty hands of Jean-Paul Sartre.