may be that we had was wrong and that others were right. However, because as I said the death has tremendous power to put us in the face of reality, we wonder if he was right those who think differently from us, because now I do not rejoice? If you really prevent the death was "an unprecedented level of violence," as we read, because now no one enjoys the end of this violence? And those who spoke of the "Battle of Beppino Englaro," now have the courage to say and write "Beppino Englaro won his battle "? Where is the victory, death? "Leave me alone," he said last night the poor father of Eluana. It will remain alone, remain. [...] If you really
the battle of Beppino Englaro was for his own good, where is now his relief? Where his pacification? We do not expect to get into what he is trying now. But that is peaceful and relieved, we do not believe even a little '. Among the tremendous powers of death is also to reveal all of a sudden, a deception. Let him just as he asks us, this man is so unfortunate. It has the right. But surely one day, perhaps very soon, loneliness not be enough, he'll find someone who can understand, accept, love. And look, maybe we were wrong, but we think this company will find it not among those who backed him so much in recent years, supporting him and sometimes using it. Easier, much easier, which will find it among those who Eluana Misericordine sisters have cared for and loved for seventeen years, without asking what the Constitution says, without asking where it begins and ends a person.
(Michele Brambilla, from the article "They killed him")
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