Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Red Bump On Shaft


The fragment for all is the fundamental concept che sta alla base della collezione Cromofilla il cui nucleo centrale è costituito da una serie di pannelli ornamentali di ispirazione orientale: i soggetti rappresentati sono le foglie di alcune specie vegetali ingigantite oltre misura e mai rappresentate nella loro interezza, nel tentativo di cogliere quella momentaneità duratura e di indurre il fruitore a completarne la forma nella propria immaginazione.
La scelta di un formato verticale, stretto e lungo e la ritmicità della sequenza decorativa sono un chiaro riferimento al paravento giapponese, dipinto su foglia metallica: le superfici riflettenti in oro e argento creano colore e luminosità ma anche molteplici effetti ottici capaci to transfer the subject in a deliberately irrational space.

Represented always parallel to the surface of the painting and "frozen" in a shot from the radical cut, big leaves floating in an abstraction aimed at finding the surreal in the real world, where the gap is offset by a concentration of images, as materialized under the lens of a microscope ideal, resulting in a very personal herbarium which Artelier Mécano achieved through the application of gold leaf and silver superimposed in several layers, then treated with aniline, bitumen and solvents, abraded , scratched and incised up to play each of the rib foglia in questione in una sorta di ‘effetto macro’.

sopra: foto dell'esposizione presso

Il medesimo tipo di lavorazione viene applicato anche ad oggetti di uso quotidiano: una serie di piani d’appoggio presenta variazioni sul tema delle foglie, rappresentate sul piano d’appoggio, ed introduce, nei supporti, alcuni elementi meccanici e di recupero che ritroviamo anche nella serie limitata di lampade ed oggetti luminosi che, come timide creature elettriche popolano questo irreale giardino di Cromofilla.

Do You Really Need A Wedding Program

natural artificial

Installation "Artificial Nature" in 2000 stems from an survey work on photographic materials such as wood, iron, rope, long-term exposure to the elements.
The pictures were taken there in '92 during my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts
it's long and patient poses (about an hour - hour and a half each), made with canned pinhole, during which the subject (and matter) caught in the picture probably continue to change their appearance.

The four chairs, limited edition, only played in two series, were made with recycled materials consumed by time (wooden planks and steel rod), 'blocked' and artificially transformed into objects sculpture.

in some frames from our installation "artificial nature" of 2000:
the site no longer exists, a short time After our action, the building, a former factory for glass processing, has been demolished.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Blueprints For Hutches


some of our designs from past collections.

"lights from the other world"

"globes & spheres"

"happy kitchen"

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Country House Decor Theme

Luca Luca

was gay and now he is with her
Luke speaks with his heart in his hand
Luke says is another man

Luke says:
first to tell my sex change
wanted to clarify that although I believe in God
do not recognize myself in the thought that man
questoargomento is divided up, I did not go to psychologists
psychiatrists, priests, or scientists have gone
I dug into my past and I knew
me many things about my mother wanted me too well become a good obsession
full of his convictions and I did not breathe for her attention
my father and I made decisions I could not ever speak
was out all day work I had the impression that it was indeed too true
mother said the separation was 12 years do not understand well
my father said is the right solution
and soon after began drinking
my mother always spoke ill of my father told me
never married for love
morbid was jealous of my friends and my identity was increasingly confused

Luke was gay and now he is with her
Luke speaks with heart in hand
Luca Luca
says another man was gay and now he is with her

Luke speaks with his heart in his hand
Luke says another man is another man

but at that moment I felt ashamed and was looking for answers
lecercavo secretly
there were those who would say "naturally" I studied Freud
not lapensava
then came the same maturity but did not know what it was happiness
a great man I shook my heart and it is them that I
discovered to be homosexual
with him there was no inhibition
courtship and I thought it was
love with him so I could be myself
then looked like a race a chi faceva meglio il sesso
e mi sentivo un colpevole
prima o poi lo prendono
ma se spariscono le prove poi lo assolvono
cercavo negli uomini chi era mio padre a
ndavo con gli uomini per non tradire mia madre

Luca era gay
e adesso sta con lei
Luca parla con il cuore in mano
Luca diceaono un altro uomo
Luca era gay
e adesso sta con lei
Luca parla con il cuore in mano
Luca diceaono un altro uomo

Luca dice
per 4 anni sono stato con un uomo
tra amore e inganni spesso citradivamo
io cercavo ancora la mia verità
quell’amore grande per l’eternità
poi ad una festa
fra tanta gente
ho conosciuto she had nothing to do

she heard she could see she undressed

remember that the day after mimancava

This is my story my story only

any disease
no guatigione
dear father I
forgiven even if here are no longer returned
mom think of you often

I love you and sometimes I still your reflection
but now I'm in love and father

the only woman I ever loved

Luke was gay
and is now with her
Luke speaks with his heart in his hand
Luca Luca
says another man was gay and now he is with her

Luke speaks with heart in hand
Luke says is another man

(Luke was gay, Povia)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Does A Big Barrel Bat Do

may be that we had was wrong and that others were right. However, because as I said the death has tremendous power to put us in the face of reality, we wonder if he was right those who think differently from us, because now I do not rejoice? If you really prevent the death was "an unprecedented level of violence," as we read, because now no one enjoys the end of this violence? And those who spoke of the "Battle of Beppino Englaro," now have the courage to say and write "Beppino Englaro won his battle "? Where is the victory, death? "Leave me alone," he said last night the poor father of Eluana. It will remain alone, remain. [...] If you really
the battle of Beppino Englaro was for his own good, where is now his relief? Where his pacification? We do not expect to get into what he is trying now. But that is peaceful and relieved, we do not believe even a little '. Among the tremendous powers of death is also to reveal all of a sudden, a deception. Let him just as he asks us, this man is so unfortunate. It has the right. But surely one day, perhaps very soon, loneliness not be enough, he'll find someone who can understand, accept, love. And look, maybe we were wrong, but we think this company will find it not among those who backed him so much in recent years, supporting him and sometimes using it. Easier, much easier, which will find it among those who Eluana Misericordine sisters have cared for and loved for seventeen years, without asking what the Constitution says, without asking where it begins and ends a person.

(Michele Brambilla, from the article "They killed him")

Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Defeat Hiccups

"How many times have called me! I will never forget the most his voice. And since the first time I saw him do what he did, I thought he was one of just 36. It 's a story of the Bible that my father told me when I was little: he said that at any point in history, worldwide, there are always 36 and is just for their sake that God does not destroy the world, no one knows who they are, and even know themselves, but are able to recognize the suffering of others ... and they take it on his shoulders. "

(Lili in" Perlasca, Rai Fiction is a true story)