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the vernissage was held on Saturday 25 October 2008 at gem show in Trieste
Artelier and M-Void thank, in alphabetical order:
alberto arch
daniele ohm records
€ Baret
igor germani
la jazera web radio
michele e elena
nenad vujic
piero kamaswami
salone gemma
sergio drioli
per aver reso possibile l'evento
"A corollario delle installazioni di Artelier Mécano, 'marea_rumore di fondo' è la colonna sonora di un film immaginario. alberto arch
daniele ohm records
€ Baret
igor germani
la jazera web radio
michele e elena
nenad vujic
piero kamaswami
salone gemma
sergio drioli
per aver reso possibile l'evento
In parte improvvisando con una dotazione tecnologica minimale (mixer e lettori cd), M-Void si avvale di tecniche di cut-up e di sovrapposizione di frammenti o porzioni più estese di brani musicali, di ispirazione talora molto diversa. Ne risulta un fondale, liquid and shade, from which it takes the body from time to time, the dream or nightmare. "
marea_rumore background, notes editor for mental drifts
marea_rumore background, notes editor for mental drifts
action live on music and sounds to / from:
J. Berrocal (+ J. Doven), C. Bozulich (+ N. Cline), Cabaret Voltaire, Dance Disaster Movement, D. Galas, Hanged Up, PJHarvey, P . Jeck (+ J. Schaeffer), C. Kihlstedt, P. Kurstin, PYMacè, M. Marzidovsek, M. Payne, L. Partridge, Rachels, Res_et, Scanner, Stein, 23 Skidoo.
remiscelati randomly selected and edited by M-Void
remiscelati randomly selected and edited by M-Void
Installation uses the sound interventions by Maurizio M-Void and looks like a whole of sounds and visions, where lighting and sound landscapes take shape through the use of minimal waste and industrial waste re-interpreted according to the poetic Artelier Mécano.
The title quotes verbatim the words of Mario marzidovsek, pioneer of industrial music scene / noise in the former Yugoslavia, which during the eighties, he founded the nonprofit label MML (Marzidovsek Minimal Laboratorium).
He was also a prolific self-taught artist, dedicated to xerox and mail art: Our project is inspired by the music first, but also by its unique and multifaceted figure, overflowing with creative energy and able to build a real network connection between artists around the world, thanks to an intense correspondence related to the production of MML. Inspired by Mario
Marzidovsek, the minimal means that we have become our strength of expression.
For those wishing to know more about the figure of Mario Marzidovsek recommend a visit to the site of Nenad
The title quotes verbatim the words of Mario marzidovsek, pioneer of industrial music scene / noise in the former Yugoslavia, which during the eighties, he founded the nonprofit label MML (Marzidovsek Minimal Laboratorium).
He was also a prolific self-taught artist, dedicated to xerox and mail art: Our project is inspired by the music first, but also by its unique and multifaceted figure, overflowing with creative energy and able to build a real network connection between artists around the world, thanks to an intense correspondence related to the production of MML. Inspired by Mario
Marzidovsek, the minimal means that we have become our strength of expression.
For those wishing to know more about the figure of Mario Marzidovsek recommend a visit to the site of Nenad
lighting and landscape sound ("sound illuminating bodies & landscapes") installation by Mecano Artelier
marea_rumore background (tides_background noises) dinghies mental notes sound (sound notes for drifting psychedelic)
Live performance on music and sounds of : J . Berrocal (+ J. Doven), C. Bozulich (+ N. Cline), Cabaret Voltaire, Dance Disaster Movement, D. Galas, Hanged Up, PJHarvey, P. Jeck (+ J. Schaeffer), C. Kihlstedt , P. Kurstin, PYMacè, M. Marzidovsek, M. Payne, L. Pernice, Rachels, Res_et, Scanner, Stein, 23 Skidoo.
R andom selection and mix by M-VOID length: about 40’
marea_rumore background (tides_background noises) dinghies mental notes sound (sound notes for drifting psychedelic)
Live performance on music and sounds of : J . Berrocal (+ J. Doven), C. Bozulich (+ N. Cline), Cabaret Voltaire, Dance Disaster Movement, D. Galas, Hanged Up, PJHarvey, P. Jeck (+ J. Schaeffer), C. Kihlstedt , P. Kurstin, PYMacè, M. Marzidovsek, M. Payne, L. Pernice, Rachels, Res_et, Scanner, Stein, 23 Skidoo.
R andom selection and mix by M-VOID length: about 40’
The installation makes use of music interventions by Maurizio M-VOID and present itself as a whole of sounds and visuals , where illuminating bodies and sound landscapes take shape through the use of minimal leftovers and industrial waste reinterpreted by the Artelier poetic. The title is a quote of Mario Marzidovsek, an explorer of the industrial/noise music scene in the ex Yugoslavia . During the Eighties Mario established the no profit label MML (Marzidovsek Minimal Laboratorium). He was also a prolific self-taught artist, dedicated to xerox and mail art. Our project takes inspiration first of all by Marzidovsek music, but also by his peculiar and multifaceted personality. He was full of creative energy and able to establish a real network of artists and musicians around the world, thanks to an intense correspondence around and about the MML production. Inspired by Mario Marzidovsek the minimal resources available became our expressive strength.
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