Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Best Way To Cutting Holes In Fairings

Surge clear in the gloomy winter towered Bologna,
and white snow on the hill ride.
sweet is the hour that the sun is about to die salutes
towers and 'the temple, star Petronio, yours
towers whose battlements tant'ala lambe of a century, and the solemn temple
the solitary peak.
The sky brightness in cold diamond shines;
and Aer as a veil of silver lying

on 'the hole, slight fading back to the piers that rose dark
clipeata the arm of my ancestors .
linger on the high summits looking at the sun with a smile
languid purple,
that the gray stone in the dark crimson brick
seems to awaken the souls of the ages, and
a desire sad pe 's drive air alarm
di rossi maggi,di calde aulenti sere,
quando le donne gentili danzavano in piazza
e co' i re vinti i consoli tornavano.

Tale la musa ride fuggente al verso in cui trema
un desiderio vano de la bellezza antica.
Giosuè Carducci, Nella Piazza di San Petronio

Monday, October 20, 2008

Can I Get Rid Of A Ganglion Cyst By Pound On It?

Se qualcuno dicesse che Omero è il maestro della pittura non sbaglierebbe. Infatti l'arte poetica è pittura che parla, e la pittura è arte poetica che tace.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fake Id Niagara Falls

company is a sound picture and vice versa - inspired by Mario Marzidovsek

more pictures here
2 videos here

the vernissage was held on Saturday 25 October 2008 at gem show in Trieste

Artelier and M-Void thank, in alphabetical order:
alberto arch
daniele ohm records
€ Baret
igor germani
la jazera web radio
michele e elena
nenad vujic
piero kamaswami
salone gemma
sergio drioli
per aver reso possibile l'evento

"A corollario delle installazioni di Artelier Mécano, 'marea_rumore di fondo' è la colonna sonora di un film immaginario.
In parte improvvisando con una dotazione tecnologica minimale (mixer e lettori cd), M-Void si avvale di tecniche di cut-up e di sovrapposizione di frammenti o porzioni più estese di brani musicali, di ispirazione talora molto diversa. Ne risulta un fondale, liquid and shade, from which it takes the body from time to time, the dream or nightmare. "

marea_rumore background, notes editor for mental drifts

action live on music and sounds to / from:
J. Berrocal (+ J. Doven), C. Bozulich (+ N. Cline), Cabaret Voltaire, Dance Disaster Movement, D. Galas, Hanged Up, PJHarvey, P . Jeck (+ J. Schaeffer), C. Kihlstedt, P. Kurstin, PYMacè, M. Marzidovsek, M. Payne, L. Partridge, Rachels, Res_et, Scanner, Stein, 23 Skidoo.
remiscelati randomly selected and edited by M-Void

Installation uses the sound interventions by Maurizio M-Void and looks like a whole of sounds and visions, where lighting and sound landscapes take shape through the use of minimal waste and industrial waste re-interpreted according to the poetic Artelier Mécano.
The title quotes verbatim the words of Mario marzidovsek, pioneer of industrial music scene / noise in the former Yugoslavia, which during the eighties, he founded the nonprofit label MML (Marzidovsek Minimal Laboratorium).
He was also a prolific self-taught artist, dedicated to xerox and mail art: Our project is inspired by the music first, but also by its unique and multifaceted figure, overflowing with creative energy and able to build a real network connection between artists around the world, thanks to an intense correspondence related to the production of MML. Inspired by Mario
Marzidovsek, the minimal means that we have become our strength of expression.
For those wishing to know more about the figure of Mario Marzidovsek recommend a visit to the site of Nenad

lighting and landscape sound ("sound illuminating bodies & landscapes") installation by Mecano Artelier

marea_rumore background (tides_background noises) dinghies mental notes sound (sound notes for drifting psychedelic)

Live performance on music and sounds of : J . Berrocal (+ J. Doven), C. Bozulich (+ N. Cline), Cabaret Voltaire, Dance Disaster Movement, D. Galas, Hanged Up, PJHarvey, P. Jeck (+ J. Schaeffer), C. Kihlstedt , P. Kurstin, PYMacè, M. Marzidovsek, M. Payne, L. Pernice, Rachels, Res_et, Scanner, Stein, 23 Skidoo.
R andom selection and mix by M-VOID length: about 40’

The installation makes use of music interventions by Maurizio M-VOID and present itself as a whole of sounds and visuals , where illuminating bodies and sound landscapes take shape through the use of minimal leftovers and industrial waste reinterpreted by the Artelier poetic. The title is a quote of Mario Marzidovsek, an explorer of the industrial/noise music scene in the ex Yugoslavia . During the Eighties Mario established the no profit label MML (Marzidovsek Minimal Laboratorium). He was also a prolific self-taught artist, dedicated to xerox and mail art. Our project takes inspiration first of all by Marzidovsek music, but also by his peculiar and multifaceted personality. He was full of creative energy and able to establish a real network of artists and musicians around the world, thanks to an intense correspondence around and about the MML production. Inspired by Mario Marzidovsek the minimal resources available became our expressive strength.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hull Solutions Manual

"Rocky, but why make this meeting?"
"Because it's much better to be happy for sacrificing what you love, rather than surrendering to be unhappy."

Rocky Balboa

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Looking For New Kates Playground Clips


Quarantanove artisti liberano la fantasia partendo da un teschio nero

Deng Zhima, Rui Coelho, Max Jurcev, Nina Masina, Aljosa Purico, Christian Fermo, Samantha Fermo, Pancaldi Sergio, Carlo Andreasi, Luca Petaccia, Barbara Romani, Greek Elena, Barbara Loden, Michael Pay, Christiana Viola, Paola Castellan, Francesca Tja, Nadia Sircar, George Mastrolia, Nanni Spano , Thomas Lizzul, Maria Grazia Todaro, Roberto Micheli, Nina & Maya Rules, Alice Ruby, Francesco Lukaric, Matilde Zacchigna, Lilia de Mattia, Patrizia Miliani, Miriam Chermaz, Stefano Stiglic, Sebastian of Inncenti, Fabio del Coco, Igor Germani, Elia Gabriel, Isa Bullo, Maurizio Martinelli, Federica Marchesich, Davide del Degan, Fabio Bressan, Diego Iaconfcic, Claudio Farina, Sandro Benedetti, Massimo Premuda, Paul Ferluga, Leila Cavalli David Garbuggio, Gustavo Moreno and George Roney Cesare Grazioli here the names of the participants in the group "Vanitas Fair. Assumptions for still lifes of the day. " Mecano dall'Artelier organized on the occasion of the third anniversary of "Space Artelier trenovia stop", the group saw the participation of 49 creative people who have ventured on the Black Death. After "The weapon" of 2008, 2009, "the 49" has unleashed the creative from a black skull: After choosing the kit made available by the organizers, who have taken to decorate, customize, decontextualized, tattooed , pinstripparlo, multimedializzarlo, camouflage, and so on and more and so forth. In short, they had carte blanche and the results were not long in coming: "sweet end", "anime auction," "As Time Goes By sweety" ... only a few names to tell skulls filled with sweets, processed in shoes and cars, in lamps, scrubbing toilets or attached to the TV, connected to the caps, placed in a cage or in a photo. Everything from stuffed dj set La Jazer, lights, Lucette pre season, and a desktop display accompanied by the up and down the tram at the stop Scorcola. The creators of this nice initiative, now in its third edition, Belinda De Vito and Dominic Redavid, partners in life and the adventure of Artelier Mécano . A real nickname, which sums up in two words the essence of their work: "atelier," by definition an artist's working space, has turned into a play on words with "r" upside down like sailing against the current them, and "tack", the magazine of the Dadaists, but also means that Mecca, the construction game, and always in French, stands for the mechanical as they disassemble, assemble, repair and fixes ... The show will be repeated Friday at the gallery 27 Metrokubo Street Capitals, in collaboration with DD 6563 B Magazine.

With Depardon NodoDoc in the footsteps of Basaglia
TRIESTE Lithuanian director Audrius Stonys will be up to the honor of opening the last day of NodoDocFest projections: in fact, the day will begin with the protagonist of Stonys 'now customary early morning appointment at Knulp: last night awarded the prize of the festival, signed Artelier unique work made, after the screening of his latest work "Uku Ukai," the talented director will be together this morning to the editors of the section dedicated to him, Manuela Buono Jordan and De Luca, to plunge into the size of its cinema.Anche more technical than yesterday, con ospiti Andrea D’Ambrosio, la coppia D’Agostino-Lavorato e Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio, oggi a presentare in concorso «L'esame di Xhodi» (alle 18.30) ha offerto un momento di confronto per capire che significhi fare documentario in Italia oggi, un paese che in questo genere cinematografico investe poco o nulla. Gli autori, tutti intorno a trent’anni, hanno raccontato vari episodi sulla scarsa conoscenza del genere documentario da parte delle istituzioni, che invece all'estero supportano e finanziano con interventi mirati il cinema del reale. L'incontro è stato anche occasione per presentare l'edizione DVD di «Biùtiful Cauntri», il docu-film di D’Ambrosio, Esmeralda Calabria e Peppe Ruggero che has not failed to attract a large audience at the screening on Friday. A curious audience who questioned the author with three quarters of an hour of questions and, well, the expressions of esteem. The Panorama section will see in competition today at 17 also 'holy words' Ascanio Celestini, stock of temporary workers of a mega call center Roman trying to organize and report abuse of a job alienante.Come NodoDocFest strongly desired by the organizers of the closing tonight will create an imaginary bridge between the end of the Festival and the homage to the thirtieth anniversary of the Act Dr. After "Les années-Déclic" and "Contacts" will be proposed at 21.20 'San Clemente', the only film shot in Italy by the French director Raymond Depardon inspired by the encounter with Franco Dr. Machine to back, live sound in a psychiatric hospital to investigate the border between reason and madness.

above: one of three awards made by us in the hands of Franco Piavoli

Coffee Colours - October 2007

Our first cover: the electric coffee maker (1 Watt of consumption) model 'drills' that appeared COFFE COLOURS, magazines and coffee ... artwork by Kathrin VILLWOCK

Film Tv - n°42 - ottobre 2005
Film TV - n°46 - novembre 2005

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Making Ink With Green Leaves


Siamo Belinda De Vito e Domenico Redavid, compagni nella vita ed anche in questa avventura chiamata Artelier Mécano.
Il nostro è un atelier sperimentale dedito alla realizzazione di oggetti luminosi, pezzi unici e piccole serie, per arredamenti non convenzionali. E non solo.
Artelier Mècano è un'idea prima of all, a signature that contains two words in the whole of our philosophy: creative freedom and way outside the box in the concrete to create our works.
Our symbol: a hammer and a key combo that intersect in a gear.
our myths? The Dadaists, Nikola Tesla, Blixa Bargeld, Bettie Page, Frankenstein, Ed Roth, David Lynch, Wallace and Gromit.
One of the things we like to do is to turn to landfills, especially iron, to find objects and materials to be given a second chance: our creative process is linked to the experience in the field of stage design, we enjoy probe the boundary between true and false, using methods and unconventional materials.
irony and eclecticism are the hallmarks of all our works, mostly limited editions and unique pieces of furniture complements bright objects ranging from chairs to sculpture to the decorative surfaces, largely derived from recycled materials and objects daily and not found and dismembered, reinvented and decontextualized up to be transformed into something unique, so that our style could be described as a sort of anti-design, much closer to ready-made rather than the work of a designer.

Brown Hair Extensions

space Artelier stop trenovia

Area Artelier is our study, the place where our ideas take shape, open to friends and colleagues who occasionally the 'deal' exhibition-flash (one-night only) or use our equipment.

only 41 square meters located in Trieste in the picturesque setting of the tram stop Scorcola square (now square Inns), 17 Commercial street in to : the huge pile of junk parked in front of our windows befriends us, and we rocked at the thought of us in S. Francisco!

Under: Friends of living gemstone prod to work on the model presented in the LAP LAMP Turin a Geodesign ( )

Performance Teknique Icbm-4500

postcards Artelier tack

There could be no better way to advertise our 'products' is in keeping with the poetic Artelier: the postcards depicting some of the creations, ironically made by fake testimonials which are based on our fertile imagination: The Bride of Frankenstein, people in between the circus and cabaret, manga elves, warriors East ...

... or are simply objects dear to us, as the key and the hammer of our logo set aside near the heart of newly assembled metal, or the brain / handbag, original creation of our studio.

In this first set of postcards is our Marta Cuscunà , actress Monfalcone, from time to time to interpret our testimonial: shooting events on the fly, including a commitment to work and others, costumes and accessories invented from nothing, and set recreated at home ... having fun like crazy to find poses and shots suitable for the unlikely Artelier products! Here
Marta, below the last 'natural'!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cute Facebook Profile Idea

Neither painting nor sculpture can quell the revolt in the soul that divine love which opened its arms to embrace the cross.

Michelangelo Buonarroti