Le stagioni, Tschaikowsky/Verlaine a Legnano LEGNANO - In attesa della nuova stagione di ScenAperta, che verrà presentata a metà ottobre, gustoso "aperitivo teatrale" al Teatro Sala Ratti, dove venerdì 24 settembre andrà in scena il recital "Le Stagioni".
L'evento è inserito nel cartellone di "Fai il pieno of culture ", an initiative of the Lombardy Region, Province and Municipality of Milan in Legnano. This is a play directed by Paul Bignamini recital, played by Maureen Cerana solo voice and piano George Fasching, built on Verlaine's lyrics and music by Tchaikovsky.
Here is a small refreshment.
Pyotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky (1840-1893) wrote "The Seasons" between December 1875 and November 1876 commissioned by the magazine Nouvelliste: every month for a year, he had to compose and send to the editorial staff of San Petersburg a piece for solo piano plucked that, under a system of months, in an ever changing landscape and human activities, those "impressions" of the soul, emotional reflection that every month of the year brings with it. The result is 12
impressionistic sketches, formally smooth and pleasing, now bright, now languid, sad and filled with hope, creating a sort of pictorial cycle of the soul in music ...
contemporary of Tchaikovsky, Paul Verlaine (1844-1896) was the most musical of the "cursed poets". "Music before all else", he argued, coming to call "musically" some significant collections of poetry: "Good Song", "Songs without words", "Arlette forget." A poetic language, that of Verlaine, in which the melodiousness dares to match the word in its conceptual weight.
The similarities between the two Masters have allowed the reconstruction of a common narrative, giving a voice to the music, poetry and music. One
chansonnier dall'inquietante prosenza leads the audience to the places of the mind evoked by Verlaine, while the background is the reflection on the "lost time", whose research is admirably materialized years later with the work of Marcel Proust . Just
la Recherche, in this production, acts as a narrative link, through pictures and songs cinemtografici able to combine music and poetry.
PAUL Bignamini
Journalist, playwright and director, writes on the cultural pages of Il Sole 24 Ore. And 'the Italian translator of plays, Sartre, Céline, Artaud, De Beauvoir. His lyrics and his versions were represented in the major Italian theaters. MAURO
He graduated from the school of the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, after participating in the staging of "The Tempest" by Shakespeare, the 'Servant of Two Masters "by Goldoni and of" The Thunder "by Strindberg, for directed by Giorgio Strehler. E 'editor and literary agent. GIORGIO
He played the complete works for organ by JS Bach on the piano, leading lieder cycles. The activity of those alternates solo composer and conductor.
September 24, 2010 - 21 hours
"Make the most of the cultural"
Province of Milan - Legnano City Hall Theatre
c.so Magenta, 9 - Legnano (MI)
"The Seasons"
Iljitsch Pyotr Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"
Paul Verlaine "Lyrical"
version Italian Paolo Mauro Bignamini
Cerana narrator
George Fasching piano
dramaturgy and direction by Paul Bignamini
by ScenAperta Altomilanese Theatres
Followed by reception with French wines - free admission
Infotel. 0331.548589